Conditions of Use

HYDRAN-XR is free to use. However, that does not mean it is not copyrighted. It is. It is provided as is; no warranties, express or implied, are imparted. The user should check all analysis results for accuracy.

What is Provided

HYDRAN-XR executables for Windows and Macintosh are provided. The distribution consists of:

•     Graphical user interface ( on OSX and HYDRAN-XR.exe on Windows)

•     Computational engine (hydranxr.e on OSX and hydranxr.exe on Windows)

•     Two pdf user guides

The graphical user interface (GUI) interacts with the computational engine (CE, a command line program). All computations are carried out by the CE, while the GUI is useful to interface with the CE as well as for plotting results, etc. If the user chooses, the CE can be run directly from a command line interpreter (such as Terminal on OSX and Windows PowerShell on Windows). Although the GUI is relatively new, the CE has been developed and used extensively for over 20 years.

The two pdf user guides relate to the CE. The GUI is relatively straightforward and instructions for it are provided by short tutorial videos, as are installation instructions.

Example files are also provided to demonstrate input and work flow.

Support on how to use HYDRAN-XR is not provided, although a support subscription can be purchased for a very reasonable fee. Please see Contact Us for purchase information.

The source code is available for a fee. Please see Contact Us for purchase information.

Bug reports are of course always welcome (well, sort of). See Contact Us for reporting information.


GUI (v. 1.1.2) and CE (v. 24.0) - Posted 02 March 2024

The computational engine (CE) v. 24.0 has internal changes to enhance future development. The Release Notes through the previous version, 23.0, can be found here.

Features of the GUI are described on the page Video Tutorials, although there may be slight differences with the newer version.

The GUI requires Java Runtime Environment v. 1.8 or higher. If Java is not already installed on your system, the current JRE can be obtained from Oracle.


           Application                                                      Example Files

                                                    Mac OS

           Application                                                      Example Files

User Guides

The two pdf user guides can also be downloaded separately here: Introduction and Command Reference. These two documents are also included in the application downloads.

See the page Video Tutorials for short videos illustrating use of the program.

The Command Reference pdf contains the help on all HYDRAN-XR commands. It is actually generated from the text file HELP.txt, which when processed by HYDRAN-XR creates the file HELP.out. HELP.out has the help on all the commands. Some users may find it more convenient to work with the text file rather than the pdf file. It is also easily updated for the latest program version; just "filein" the file HELP.txt.


Mac OS: